Under Desk Walking Pad: The Game-Changer My Home Needed

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A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine about walking recently hit social media. It showed that by walking more during your week, you can significantly add to your lifespan. The conclusion of the article is one that’s been echoed by many studies and observations over the past few decades- we’re not getting enough regular movement!

Now, fitness is literally my job, but as a virtual coach I find myself sitting in front of my computer a lot. Even with going to the gym, all my active hobbies, and any other movement I get during my days, I still felt like I was sitting all the time. Enter: the under desk walking pad.

How It Happened

It was summer 2023, and I was browsing Amazon deals at a friend’s house. I had been wanting a walking pad for a while, but most were a bit out of my price range. That day, I found a deal I couldn’t resist and clicked BUY so fast not a soul in the world could’ve stopped me. It was mine! My new walking pad!

It arrived two weeks later and, after dragging it into the house (that box was heavy and awkward!), got it set up under my work desk. Since then, I’ve gone through phases of using it more and using it less, but one thing is certain: there’s definitely more movement in my life post-walking pad purchase. I think it’s an amazing investment for anyone sitting at a desk for all or most of their workday.

The Research

There’s been studies about the benefits of walking for a long time, but under desk walking pads have been around long enough that there’s actually research specifically about them! After gaining popularity once more people shifted to remote work in 2020, they’ve also been added to offices and coworking spaces.

The study I linked at the beginning of the article mostly focused on increasing your lifespan with walking, but walking as a regular habit can also significantly increase your healthspan. What’s a healthspan? It’s the number of years you remain healthy in your life. Your lifespan is how long you live, but your healthspan is more about maintaining your quality of life as you age. Of course, health means different things to different people, but most everyone agrees that walking is one of the key ways to stay healthier.

Now, I’m a strength coach, so why am I recommending a walking pad? That’s not weightlifting.

You’re totally right! It’s not lifting weights, but here’s why I think it can be a huge benefit:

  1. People are busy, and this is a way of moving that allows you to do other things at the same time.
  2. I deeply believe that everyone deserves to have exercise that is accessible to them. Being able to walk indoors at home can make a huge difference in this case, especially as under desk walking pads get less expensive.
  3. More movement daily sets people up for success with other exercise habits! When it comes to maintaining a workout routine and regular strength training, more daily movement keeps it fresh in your mind and actually makes it easier to stick to a gym routine.
  4. Movement promotes more focus and creativity. Why not get a focus boost while you’re actually working?

I don’t think a walking pad should replace other exercise, but I see it as an amazing addition to what you already do! Here’s when and how I use my walking pad:

my under desk walking pad

When It’s Warm Outside

When I’m working over the summer or any time the weather is nice, I love opening all the windows in my living room where my desk is. I feel like I’m walking outside, but I’m still able to be inside getting work done (like writing blog articles!).

Walking while I’m working or learning from a webinar is a perfect dose of extra movement in amongst my other summer activities. Even though we tend to get out and move more when the weather’s warm, using an under desk walking pad can give you extra energy and more endurance.

When It’s Cold Outside

During the winter I do less outside, so walking on my walking pad becomes a more important part of my daily movement. Having a regular workout schedule is great, but it’s not as effective if that’s the only time you’re moving during the week. A walking pad helps fill in those times when you might be inclined to stay in bed.

I tend to get a stronger midday slump that coffee can’t combat during the colder months due to the grey Indiana winters. Getting onto the walking pad and moving helps me stay focused and motivated no matter how cold and grey it is outside.

A bonus I didn’t expect: When I have that deep-in-my-bones cold that I can’t shake, I hop on the walking pad! Even 10-15 minutes of moving is enough to warm up my body effectively. It probably saves me hundreds on my heating bill!

When I’m Not Even Working

I use my walking pad the most when I’m watching something. Many times, that’s some sort of educational webinar (personal motto: always be learning new things), but sometimes I just like to move while I’m watching or listening to something fun.

Something I talk about with clients and in my fitness mindset mini-course Train Your Brain is making exercise more enjoyable. You can do this with a tactic called temptation bundling, which is when you pair something you want to do with something that needs to get done. If you feel a lot of resistance when it comes to movement, even with walking, you can try using a walking pad to make it more fun! Pop on the show you’ve been binging, or listen to a podcast that you only listen to while walking. You might even lose track of time and walk way farther than you originally thought you would!

I also walk when I’m on Zoom calls with friends, like my lovely book club that meets once a month. There have been days where I’m antsy and just need to move, so I’ve brought my Kindle out to my desk and walked while reading. Don’t think walking just has to happen while you’re working!

My Setup

I like my work desk to have two areas- one where I sit, one where I walk. I’ve never been one for sitting in normal chairs, so I have a kneeling chair (that I lovingly reupholstered with fig fabric!) and my walking pad on the other side of my desk.

Now I have an adjustable-height desk, but I used to use a normal desk with a portable lap desk on top of the walking pad side. Both have been options that work really well for me! It’s all about making the space functional for you. What’s going to be comfortable? How do you want to set up your space? I frequently switch around between sitting, walking, and sitting on the floor, so I have my space set up accordingly. With having a sitting area of my desk and a standing area, I can seamlessly switch when I want to change my body position- I just change the desk height and scootch my laptop over!

Remember- you don’t have to have the most curated, elegant setup for a walking pad to fit into your workday. You can start small, like I did with the portable lap desk, and upgrade as you see fit!

my sit/stand work desk setup with kneeling chair and under desk walking pad
my current work desk setup with sit/stand desk, walking pad, and kneeling chair

Tips for getting started with your under desk walking pad:

1. Start small and build over time.

You might be genuinely surprised at how tired you feel the first couple times you walk while working. I would recommend starting with 15-30 minutes your first couple times using it, unless you regularly walk for longer periods of time. Some people love walking for their entire work day, but build up to that slowly. I prefer to jump back and forth between my work desk options, and it’s okay if that’s what you like too! There’s no obligation here- if you get tired or just don’t feel like walking anymore, sit down!

2. Make sure your setup is comfortable and your body and head aren’t at awkward angles.

You’ll want to choose a desk or accessories wisely depending on your height. The portable desk I use while walking is perfect for me, but probably too short for anyone taller than me without pairing it with a taller desk. If your setup isn’t ergonomic, you might notice discomfort while you’re walking and use it less as a consequence. Set it up well from the beginning to support your body!

3. Figure out what tasks you can do while walking and what becomes more difficult.

I learned pretty quickly that walking during calls and webinars was my favorite thing. I also love walking when I have a lot of typing to do, such as writing an article or email. Walking definitely doesn’t work for me when I’m switching between lots of small things, like creating social media graphics on Affinity Publisher or editing my website. If I want precision or am moving things to different places, I sit down.

4. Choose what to wear on your feet.

If you plan on walking for long stretches, comfort is important here! Wear shoes that support your feet and body. It’s no fun adding more movement if your shoes pinch, give you blisters, or are just generally uncomfortable. Athletic shoes are probably the best option here, but I also recommend getting something that slips on. It’ll make it easier to pop the shoes on and start walking before you have time to think about it!

I generally wear barefoot/minimalist shoes in my daily life and at the gym, so I’m comfortable being barefoot. As an experiment, I tried walking barefoot soon after I got my walking pad…. huge mistake. The tread on the belt made my feet raw- 0/10 experience. For my walking pad walking, I usually wear one of my slip-on minimalist pairs of shoes or thicker socks.

5. Experiment with different speeds.

You don’t really want to be working while jogging (or maybe you do? Seems extra challenging to me…), but there are different speeds of walking you can choose for your workday. I found my sweet spot is 1.4-1.6mph, but I will sometimes bump that up when I’m watching something and not typing. On the flipside, one of my friends prefers walking at ~3mph while he’s working.

Safety note: Whatever speed you choose, remember that you’re still on a moving machine! Please use it safely and as-advised. I’ve lost my balance a couple times when I trying to grab something and almost fallen. But… that’s probably a me-being-a-little-clumsy issue more so than anything to do with the walking pad.

6. Maintaining your under desk walking pad.

If this is something you’re going to use on the regular, make sure you’re maintaining it! I like to give the belt tread a little wipe-down occasionally. For what’s maybe the first time in my life, I actually follow the directions on the little booklet that came with my walking pad and use the lubrication oil to make sure the belt stays strong.

7. Have some water nearby.

I generally always have water around me, but it’s especially important when I’m walking. I drink more water while I’m walking, so I like to start with a full water glass/bottle so I don’t have to stop in the middle of my work.

Some Product Recommendations

Walking Pads:

Ultimately, be aware of budget, check weight capacity and speeds, and evaluate how much space you have before choosing one particular pad. There are lots of options out there!


For the typical style of sit/stand desk, there are tons of options! Make sure you check your budget, the space you have, and the dimensions of the product (make sure it goes tall enough for you to stand comfortably!).

If you’re wondering what to do with your hands while you walk if you’re watching or reading:

Some other random desk/work recommendations:

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I hope by now you’re excited to get walking! I seriously can’t describe how much of a gamechanger it’s been in my daily life and how it’s changed the vibe of my workspace for the better. The friends I’ve recommended it to have felt the same way, and now it’s your turn to experience it! Your body 10, 20, even 50 years from now will thank you!

Sarah Siertle

Hey! I'm Sarah!
I'm an inclusive strength & movement coach who helps people get hella strong so they can have fun and live their lives in full color!

My coaching is beginner-friendly, movement-based, and size-inclusive. I believe in coaching that is kind, not shaming or judgmental as so many fitness experiences are.

If you're ready to start your strength journey, you can check out your training options or get started with a free workout!

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Hey! I'm Sarah!
I'm an inclusive strength & movement coach who helps people get hella strong so they can have fun and live their lives in full color!

My coaching is beginner-friendly, movement-based, and size-inclusive. I believe in coaching that is kind, not shaming or judgmental as so many fitness experiences are.

If you're ready to start your strength journey, you can check out your training options or get started with a free workout!

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