About Me & My Business


On May 18th and 19th this year, I was in Philadelphia attending (and presenting at!) the Body Positive Fitness Alliance’s Inclusive Fitness Professional (FitPro) Summit. While it’s mainly a conference for people in the fitness industry, I wanted to pull back the curtain and tell you about some of the things we talked about. I […]

June 21, 2024

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May 2021 It was my moment to shine and feel strong! I had been working out at home with my kettlebells for a couple years, but during a trip I decided to get a weeklong pass at a weightlifting gym close to my hotel. The week went smoothly and I got to play around with […]

May 10, 2024

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Have you been working out for a while and haven’t seen the results you want? Or have you been putting off starting a workout plan because you’re overwhelmed by all the possibilities? We’re going deep today! Instead of talking about reps or specific exercises, we’re going to talk about about a strength training system. The […]

February 20, 2024

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I’m going to take us back to the end of last year, December 27th, 2023. I was in Asheville, North Carolina at a week-long lindy hop event. Aside from seeing lots of friends, my main goals were to 1) check out Asheville because I’d never been before, and 2) dance as much as possible with […]

February 17, 2024

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I wanted to start off this new blog with the story of how I became a strength coach! It’s been a bit of a journey, as I only got certified as a personal trainer in November 2020 when I was 28. Moral of the story: Anyone, and I mean anyone, can start strength training and […]

February 15, 2024

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